Life Update March 2023


I'm excited to be connecting with you again. It's been a minute, so I thought I'd give you a little life update. 🤗

I just returned from an incredible retreat in Orlando hosted by Speaking Your Brand. While there, I workshopped a keynote speech about why it's important for us to learn how to separate our personal energy from our business. This is a powerful energetic practice that's transformational!


We can extrapolate this concept of energetic sovereignty to improve other areas of our lives such as parenting, marriage, friendship, challenging problems, activism, etc. 😅

But for this talk, I want to help small business owners prevent burnout as well as access greater joy and satisfaction in their work. We do this by creating clear distinctions between our personal life force and the energy of our business.

Here's a recent example from my own life:

In January, my youngest son had two unexpected knee surgeries in as many weeks.

All of a sudden, this kid who proactively helps with cooking, cleaning, laundry, errands, yard work, and so much more was out of commission. 😵‍💫

Not only did I add his chores to my own, but it felt like I had a toddler again since he couldn't do much for himself. He was either bedridden or on crutches, and guess what? You can't even carry a glass of water while trying to maneuver crutches! 🩼

During this same time, we adopted a dog from a shelter. While Milo has filled our hearts and home with more love than imaginable, he needs daily training on top of the regular dog needs of feeding, exercising, and cleaning.

As someone trying to run a small business, I felt resentful that these extra duties were taking me away from my mission to help people discover themselves as a spiritual beings. 💫

However, when I recognized that tinge of resentment, I knew I had to reclaim my energy out of Ascended Presence.


Because when I gather my life force back into me, the person Susan Rose Moe, I remember that I actually enjoy these caretaking opportunities. 😍

Had I not reclaimed my energy, I might have lived in that frustrating purgatory of trying to “do it all” and missing the joy in both.

So I focused on serving my reading and coaching clients, but let this newsletter go so I could also do my caretaking with love. 💗

If you notice any victim energy or resentment in your space, take these feelings as a sign to reclaim your life force. Doing so will give you ownership over your internal wellbeing regardless of your external circumstances.💃

PS If you’ve been considering intuitive coaching, I have one spot becoming available in mid-March and another in late March.