• My 6th chakra, aka Third Eye, helps me see colors, symbols, and pictures. At the same time, my 7th chakra, aka the Crown, makes it possible for me to interpret those images into meaningful language.

    For example, one time during a reading, I kept seeing all these images from the movie Gladiator. Afterward, my client told me Gladiator was his all-time favorite movie, and the messages I had received about the images had made perfect sense to him.

  • A clairvoyant reading is an effective tool for discovering your higher self and purpose. Regardless of external circumstances, that inner knowledge gives you the ability to improve and deepen your life satisfaction.

    Social programming encourages us to put our attention on the physical and material aspects of our lives. It is easy to forget that we are really spirit--a soul--that just happens to use a body to learn and grow. It’s also how we manifest what we want to create. Knowledge is power; know thyself!

  • During every reading, I am seeing you on the soul level, not your physical body so the information is the same for both in-person and phone readings. My clients span the globe, most of whom I’ve never met. If you are local to or visiting California’s central coast, you are welcome to schedule an in-person reading, which includes an aura healing.

  • I will give you information from a variety of perspectives during the first portion, and you can ask questions for the remaining time. It can be helpful for you to prepare some topics you’d like to address and/or you can ask questions about what surfaced during the reading. If time allows, we can do energy clearing, technique training, etc.

  • Typical questions revolve around relationships, career, challenges, and life transitions, but this reading is for you so you can ask about anything really.

  • This is one of the most common questions, but the fear behind it is different for each person asking. Readings are typically a fun, validating, and exciting experience and rather than being scared, most people are elated to have been related to as spirit. My clients tell me it’s a deeply satisfying experience.

  • I believe in free will. If I were to look at and give you information about one of the infinite futures available to you, I could potentially program you and have it manifest through a self-fulfilling prophecy. Feel free to ask any future related question, and I will look at the energy in present time.

  • Instead of giving you my advice, I will look at a particular situation and give you information so you can decide what the right action is for you. For example, if you are trying to decide between two career opportunities, I will look at the energy of each of those paths and give you the information I see. Then you may take that knowledge into consideration during your decision-making process.

  • Yes. We are all spirit and continue to exist even when we no longer have a physical body. If you would like specific conversations with loved ones who have passed, it would be best to consult with a medium who specializes in that area.

  • No, I am not reading your mind or doing any energy reading when I am not “officially” reading you. I am extremely disciplined about keeping my energy clean and to myself. Also, I have no desire to know your thoughts or feelings unless you’d like to share those with me openly and consciously.

  • Some people like to check in regularly, especially when going through a big life transition, in which case coaching packages are the best choice. Others prefer to wait until they have several issues for discussion.

  • Once you have purchased the option that best suits your needs, I will contact you to schedule a mutually convenient time.

  • A phone reading is exactly how it seems—over the phone. I am in a trance during our session and have my eyes closed and since I don’t need your body in order to connect with you at the soul level, video isn’t necessary.

    I’ve found this also frees you up to tune into the messages since you don’t have to be “on” in any way. Most people feel comfortable with this arrangement, but if video is very important to you, just mention it when scheduling your reading.

  • I have reserved our agreed-upon time for you and have planned accordingly. Therefore, I ask for at least 24 hours notice if you need to reschedule. Anything short of that, you will still be responsible for the full fee. Sometimes, I have a waiting list and am able to fill your slot in which case you will not be charged. Thank you for your consideration.

  • Yes. Giving someone a reading or a class is a unique gift that is usually very well received and appreciated. Gift certificates are located here.