• The information given in a reading or a coaching session is specific to the individual being read. There are many energy management and intuitive development tools, however, that are universal and can be learned in a group setting. I started offering online courses to provide a more economical way for people to learn these skills.

  • In-person classes occur at a set day/time with a group of people who come together in person. Questions and answers happen in real time.

    Live webinars are also at a set day/time with a group of people through an online format. Questions and answers occur in real time. The replay is typically available for a day or two after if you need to miss a class.

    Pre-recorded / On Demand videos (coming soon) allow you to learn at your own pace throughout the course. I answer the most commonly asked questions during these sessions. If you have a question not answered, feel free to email me, and I will do my best to address your specific question.

  • Yes. I teach private courses to individuals, couples, and families.

  • Yes. I teach both in-person and online courses in corporate settings. I can tailor the class to address and work through your current issues.

  • The Grounding & Energy Management Course is the prerequisite for all future classes. Once that is complete, you are welcome to take other classes as interested. More classes are forthcoming. It’s best to join our newsletter to receive updates. Your contact information is always private at Ascended Presence.